Scaling is a Journey, Not a Destination

The Mindset Shift You Need To Scale Your Business

It’s time to scale your business.

I wish you knew this because you simply wanted to exponentially grow your revenue (and profit) with minimal input and by finding efficiencies with what you already have. Sadly, you’re more likely ready to scale your business because:

  • You’re burnt-out, overwhelmed and ready to throw in the towel. Working for someone else sounds magical again and you can’t seem to remember why you ever left that secure and risk-free world.

  • You want to go on vacation and you’re sick and tired of everything falling on your shoulders or your business coming to a screeching halt because you’re not working. 

  • You can’t even remember the last time you did something in your business that lit you up. And/or, 

  • You’ve recently taken on so many new projects that you have no choice but to hire someone to take some of the workload. 

It breaks my heart when businesses wait to scale until they are at the end of their rope - when they wait until they are at the breaking point, ready to shut down their business. They have chosen to suffer and are ready to go back to the corporate handcuffs. They are sacrificing their health and joy because they are working around the clock and doing it all.

Are you ready for this?!?

The truth is, it is basically always time to scale your business. Scaling is something that you should continuously put effort into, just like marketing, sales and client relationships. Scaling is a journey, a marathon, and it is NOT a destination. You do it one step at a time. You will not one day wake up and arrive at the perfect time to scale. Scaling should be one of the rhythms of your business; one that you create a habit around and continually push past resistance to put in the work.

This is especially true if you just started your business. In fact, this is prime time for you to embrace one of the dials of scaling, people, and learn how to hire support (the right support) and to establish a hiring process that sets you up for success.

Remember, hiring doesn’t mean that you hire full time or even part time assistants or support. You can hire per contract or for just 1-2 hours per month. Virtual assistants and contracted, project-based support save your business time and money because you only pay them when you need them or based on your budget. You also save money by not worrying about all those other extra expenses of hiring an employee such as benefits, taxes, office supplies and equipment like laptops, etc.

At some point, you will want to scale by expanding and hiring full-time employees to join your team because you will have reached another scaling milestone and it makes sense to shift. But right now, let that go and focus on what you can do today to get just a few simple things off of your plate.

I challenge you to shift your mindset.

I challenge you to shift your mindset from “I will start scaling my business once it is making more money” to “I will scale my time and energy everyday and hire support so that the business makes more money.” Shift your mind from this being a destination to it being a journey that you are always on.

On your journey, you can start scaling your business by hiring support, just a little bit, and to create the habit of daily asking yourself: 

What can I get off my plate and empower someone else to do in my business? 

What work am I doing that drains me? 

What processes can I adjust to save me time and energy?


Support for the Little Things That Steal Our Energy


The Clarity Compass