Expert Hiring and Delegating Support

For Seasoned Business Owners and Solopreneurs

I help small business owners and solopreneurs find balance in their business.

Whether you’re a small business owner, a solopreneur, or something in between, we have services carefully crafted to meet your unique needs.


Fractional People Operations Manager

For small businesses with existing teams that need fractional support with HR functions such as hiring, interviewing, onboarding and engagement.


1-1 Hiring Coach for Burnt Out Solopreneurs

Are you a business of one who has experienced more growth than is manageable for you? Learn how coaching services can help.

Hi I’m Dot Rock

Maybe you’re sick of wearing all the hats in your business, maybe hiring scares you, or maybe you’ve hit a limit on your capacity (and revenue).

I help busy business owners grow by realigning them with their passion and teaching them how to delegate and scale, because it’s a lesson I’ve also needed to learn.


Let Me Show You How to Scale with Ease

Hire the Right People

Learn how to hire, and fire, the right person while also developing your HR procedures.

Develop Your Systems

Document your SOPs, implement new technologies, get a handle on your finances, and more so that your business runs smoothly.

Delegate with Confidence

Learning to delegate is a skill! Let me teach you how to delegate with confidence so you can stop doing everything!

What My Clients Say