Connect The Dots Strategy Session

Let’s start connecting the dots in your small business.

Wondering how to start growing your small business? Or maybe you need to figure out how to handle the growth you are already experiencing? Book a Connect the Dots 1-1 strategic consulting session with Dot, an experienced scaling and hiring expert ready to serve you.


Growing your business doesn’t have to feel so hard.

When we first start our businesses, it’s hard to see how we might grow. Because even though we have passion, we don’t have experience.

And when you do start growing your business, it’s easy to get overwhelmed quickly, and let growth take the backseat as more and more tasks start popping up.

Whatever the case is for you, you need strategy to help you achieve your goal of long-term growth, and the revenue and wealth the comes with it.


How does a strategic consultant help?

When you work with a strategic consultant, you’ll have space to create a vision for your business, and you’ll get the steps you need to achieve your vision.

However, consulting is long-term, and it’s not cheap, which often leaves small business owners at a loss for what to do.

That’s why we created 1-1 strategic consulting sessions for just $333. During the session, you’ll see what it’s like to get the help of a growth expert, without spending thousands of dollars.


Let us hold space for you to dream up the future of your business.


These consulting sessions are intended to hold space for you to envision the future of your business, while also giving you tactical steps to get there. In just an hour, we’ll determine why you are feeling stuck where you are, and what steps you need to take to move your business forward.

Whether your a solopreneur who is looking to build a team, or a small business owner that needs to add more revenue streams (without adding more to your plate), these sessions are for you.

Here’s what you get from your session…

+ A 60-minute conversation with Dot, a scaling and hiring expert.
+ A clear vision for what your business could look like.
+ The steps you need to take, and the mindset you need to have, to get you there.
+ A post-call summary of everything that was discussed and recommendations for moving your business forward.

Dot Rock Consulting_Strategic Consulting

Meet Dot Rock -
Your Scaling Guru.

Hi, I’m Dot. I’m passionate about keeping small business owners in their zone of genius by helping them scale, hire, fire, and delegate.

Don’t let the day-to-day processes of being in business make you regret starting it in the first place - learn to scale with smart systems (and smart hires) instead.

I normally charge over $500 for these sessions…

But because I want to help YOU (the small business owner) I am making professional business strategy sessions more attainable than ever.


If you’re ready to…

→ Dream up what’s possible for your business
→ Get a clear path to success from someone with experience
→ Learn what it’s like to work with a strategic consultant (without spending thousands)

Then these sessions were made for you!

We’ll only be taking a limited number of clients for these sessions, grab your spot NOW.