Hire Dot Rock Consulting for a Full- or Half-Day Intensive

Are you avoiding hiring help?
Are you avoiding writing job descriptions? 

Join my 1-Day Intensive Program and I will help you find peace and clarity around hiring or accounting processes or BOTH!

Do you struggle with… 

  • Hiring?

  • Providing Feedback?

  • Understanding your numbers?

  • Implementing systems and processes to create ease in your business?

  • Accountability?

As a small business owner, you need accountability to get out of your own way and implement the systems and hire the people you need to take your business to the next level! We will work together for one full day (or half-day) on the problems that are holding you back and I will help you conquer them! 


I will be here to help you tackle one or more of your challenges.

Do you need help with hiring? With understanding how and when to review your financials? Are you burnt out and don’t know how to delegate and receive the support that you need? Do you want to scale  your business but you don’t know where to start? Do you struggle with giving feedback? 

Dot Rock Consulting Clients are:

  • Business owners, often solopreneurs, who are spending their time on day-to-day demands that can be streamlined and/or outsourced. Their energy needs to be shifted back to their zone of genius; their passion and the reason they started their business in the first place!

  • Ready to scale their business, uplevel AND are ready to align with your core desired feelings and experience the freedom of taking their business to the next level.

  • Small businesses who are ready to streamline systems and procedures.

  • Resolute that possibilities will open, efficiencies will be gained and the business will experience sustainable growth when they are able to implement new protocols and systems.

  • Hiring makes you want to vomit. Accounting makes you want to vomit and you are in need of a strategic partner to help guide you.  

Dot Rock Consulting will:

  • Empower small business owners to shift their focus to their zone of genius by designing and implementing systems & procedures that save them Time & Energy!

  • Provide simple tools, templates and processes for accounting, operations and human resources tasks

  • Be available for implementation advice & questions

  • Perform monthly financial review & provide guidance

  • Review current operations & provide insight on areas that can be shifted and restructured to support optimal growth of the business

  • Facilitate the development of streamlined processes which will result in increased Revenue & Profit! 

Book Your Intensive Today!