Delegation is an Art
Start Delegating for More Abundance
Delegation is truly an art… and the more you allow yourself to creatively dive into it, I believe you will feel less stuck and fearful.
Pause for a minute and think about the definition of “art.”
Googling the definition, I came across two fun definitions:
the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, and
the conscious use of skill and creative imagination especially in the production of aesthetic objects.
Your business is your art and it is the expression of who you are and hopefully something you are passionate about sharing with the world.
Delegation can feel good.
Let delegation feel good and be an expression of the feminine spirit (the why) to seek support from others, rather than making it a masculine “to do” task that has to be done in a structured way. Stop choosing to see delegation as pain. Remember, you want to be doing things in your zone of genius and you want your team to be doing things in their zone of genius. This is going to be an ebb and flow and will never be “perfect.” Just let it grow on its own!
Delegation brings up a lot of fears - for all of us! However, there is a fine line between fear and excitement. Flip the script and choose to see fear as the green light to go, and just feel the excitement and let it be your guide.
By definition, delegation means “the act of empowering one to act on behalf of another.”
Why does delegating feel so hard?
So why is it so hard? For some reason, our brain likes to keep us safe and tells us we are at risk and in pain constantly, even though it’s mostly a lie. You can shift those thoughts by remembering you always have a choice! The actions that are keeping you safe are also the ones that are keeping you stuck. And you’re effectively maintaining CONTROL at the expense of FREEDOM. Choose to believe that it is easy to change your thoughts and patterns around control and that delegating is what you desire.
Your current thoughts might say:
It's safe right now to keep everything you're doing on your plate...
Keep managing your calendar so that you are never double booked and no one messes up your schedule.
Keep reading and responding to all of your mail instead of allowing someone else to support you and help you only see what you need to see.
I have too many important tasks to do to slow down and train someone to do them.
Keep doing the client-work yourself so that no one makes a mistake or because you are the only “expert.”
You don’t have time to train others to do what you’re doing.
My business doesn’t make enough to hire support so I have to keep doing everything.
These thoughts are filled with a lack mindset and you want to shift your thoughts away from pain and towards abundance.
Abundance of joy, abundance of opportunities, abundance of time and running towards the life and business you desire.
Remember, keeping these things on your plate, doesn’t move you towards a different future. Keeping them is stagnant and an energy suck and they keep you where you are.
Delegation is a muscle.
Delegation is a muscle, a new habit, that you can form in an artistic manner; one that is fueled by creativity and curiosity. It takes repetitive commitment to this task to make it stick. But, the muscle grows quickly and is addictive… you just have to commit to the process and allow yourself to add a dose of creativity every time you delegate.